Sunbird Nesting

Knocking about the top end for work has left little time for updates, but being home for the weekend, I thought you'd like to know what's happening with the sunbird family ...

The single egg has hatched and mum is dutifully shuttling insects back and forth to feed her rapidly growing chick. Dad turns up periodically, branch hops, tweets, titivates and generally makes a nuisance of himself. His anxiety is palpable - but the female seems to ignore him with studied indifference ... women eh lads?.

The energy these birds expend raising their brood is awe-inspiring and these tiny avian jewels have my full respect.

Nesting in the tropical sun ... sux

Even though it's winter here - the sun blanketing her nest is enough to make the bird pant ... she didn't stop roosting though - tough, these sunbirds.

Male sunbird on guard


Female - doing most of the actual work (typical, right ladies?)


Spiders seem to be a staple of this chicks diet

A tasty mantid is a welcome change

Mum - having a well deserved sugary drink of necter

Thanks to Jo who stumbled across it, we have a new critter spot in the garden. This badge huntsman spider is about the span of a tea saucer - the underside of its abdomen accounts for the name, with a distinct shield or badge present. This arachnid was very still and didn't move at all - however, they shouldn't be trifled with ...

Neosparassus sp

Badge Huntsman have been known to bite and general symptoms include local severe pain and swelling, sweating, nausea and vomiting. A cold pack may relieve local pain.

Seek medical attention if symptoms persist.

Arachnophobia aside, we've also had a new/old friend turn up ... the quizzical and very personable Flycatcher ... groovy little birds.

Myiagra rubecula?

Speaking of birds - this Oriole and her partner stripped our chilli plants of their fruit. I couldn't believe it - but after a bit of research (you know, I 'googled' it) - turns out that birds can't taste chilli (they don't have the heat receptors necessary to be a soccer fan in Coventry).

Who knew?

no no ... help yourself

Like I said, I've been working away, with that in mind - here's one from my backyard (for all of us sugar addicts) ...

sugar cane

A little bit up the road ...

Towards Cape Tribulation (click to enlarge)

And to finish - when I put the oil for the mower away today - I was watched by an old and trusted friend ... an indicator of global ecological health and in my opinion, one that's continually overlooked ... an amphibian. And a perennial favourite - a rainbow skink on the prowl...

You'll miss me when I'm gone

Carlia longipes

The shield or badge huntsman is nocturnally active and occasionally comes into houses, but less frequently than other huntsman spiders. Outside, it can be found hunting for prey on the trunks of trees or in foliage.

During the day it will retreat beneath the bark of a tree. A silken retreat is built in a similar situation for moulting and egg laying. Some species of Neosparassus build a silken retreat in foliage by gluing several leaves together, whilst others construct shallow burrows.

The egg sac, which is a flattish silken capsule, is guarded by the female. During this period, she can be quite aggressive and will rear up in a defensive display if provoked ...

Take Care


JourneyJottings said…
As always - Stunning photos :)
Paul said…
Thanks Linda - no idea why I haven't seen your comment before? ... slack me eh?

Cheers :)