Feeding Wild Birds?

I have never been all that keen on feeding wild animals, for a variety of reasons. However, Jo found a design for a do it yaself bird feeder for nectar eaters, and made one using recycled materials.

I wasn't really sure what I expected, but the results have been fairly amazing.

Brown honeyeater female (Love the shadow)

For a nectar feeder - that's a substantial beak, eh?

Yellow spotted honeyeater

Striking quite the pose

I've gotta be honest, I wasn't really all that interested in the feeder at the start, I honestly don't know why. Some strange notion that photographing wildlife at a feeder is somehow cheating?.

Which is just bloody absurd.

In fact - I think I might turn it into a bit of an occasional feature. Because we do have some brilliant guests popping in for a sugar hit.

I say all this, but I still worry that familiarity might breed contempt ...

Say - ya wouldn't have any peanuts knockin' around by chance?

Nah, Snowy said he's probably a bit daft - so no worries

I was havin' an afternoon nap in my hotel room when the Cocky let itself in and woke me with a gentle scream. Followed soon after by his slightly felonious posse.

For the birds we regularly see, a sugar to water ratio of 1:8 seems about right

In the short time I was photographing these we also had Sunbirds, Friars, and many others.

We think we may have a glider visit in the dead of night based on the evidence we see in the mornings ... I'll let ya's know.

Take care


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