The Beautiful Little Things

I love macrophotography - both taking my own and enjoying other people's work. It's the thrill of being able to clearly see things that are normally hidden simply because they are small.

Today though, I thought I'd post some pics that, (for me), are a little different.

Lynx Spider

So, unlike the first pic I'm stepping away, (a little) from the macro shots - to try and give a sense of scale and context to these pics (snort, listen to me - sense of scale and context ... god.). You know what I mean.

Anyway, just a fun post to highlight the astonishing variety of critters that are doing their thing - right here, in our yard.

Metallic Flea Beetle

Probably a Swallowtail

Bush Brown

Yellow-striped Flutterer

Short Horned Grasshopper - subadult

Grasshopper Nymph

20-25 mm in length

Grasshopper Nymph

Ichneumon wasp (over 80,000 species worldwide)

Unknown (but yes, it's a beetle)


Tortoise Beetle

Milkweed bug

A 'True' Bug

Unknown - but we're going to have more of 'em soon ...

Pheasant Coucal

Like I said ... a fun post. I'm not even sure if I've achieved my goal - but I suppose it doesn't really matter.

Oh, and wherever on this blog you come a across the caption Unknown - I mean unknown by me ... not science. I'm about as sharp as a Kentucky Fried Chicken teaspoon - but sciencey people are pretty switched on :)

Right, as I said - it's the weekend, so mouse down and feet up ...

Take care

An old episode of QI aired here last night - and it reminded me of this amazing lady and the fact that many, many species are still being discovered all the time ...

Beginning in 1971, retired biologist Jennifer Owen catalogued the wildlife in her suburban Leicester garden. After 15 years she published her interim results, which included 533 species of parasitical wasp alone. Fifteen of these had never been recorded in Britain, and four of them were completely new to science ...

However, as far back as the 18th-century, naturalist Gilbert White (1720-93) said: “All nature is so full, that the district produces the greatest variety which is the most examined.”
