Drawing On Natures Beauty

All my life I've been captivated by the astonishing beauty of the natural world. This blog is really just my meagre attempt to share with you, good reader, what I find and how I view the critters that share my environment.

Recently, I've been working with a deliberate focus on the animal itself, trying to strip my photographs down to reveal the details that I sometimes think get lost in a sea of colours and textures.

Graceful Tree Frog

Smaller than my thumb - but to me, larger than life

A moth losing its scales

As de-scaled as it is, look at the aquamarine colour on the labial palps

Tattered Blue Moon/Great Eggfly Butterfly

A very tattered Blue Moon/Great Eggfly butterfly

Frog, snoozing in a Lilly

An impossibly green pic. I think the reflective tinge in the eye alone speaks volumes

Like most things - this is a work in progress. As I said, I'm trying something just a little bit different from what I've done before - with varying degrees of success.

I'm enjoying the process though and through it - as always, I'm learning a lot. For those who miss the nitty-gritty of Latin names and animal descriptions - never fear, I'll be adding some 'new' critters in an upcoming post. So check back periodically ...

Till then - take care


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